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You can CURE your eczema

Eliminate Allergenic and Addictive Foods

Many people experience symptoms of poor health and premature aging and have no idea that the solution may be as simple as removing possible food allergens.

My story goes like this:

For 20 years I suffered of eczema on my hands and I’ve visited more than 7 Dr. Offices in three different countries, Germany, US and Romania. The quick fix is usually cortisone cream, prescribed by your Dr. It helps a little, but it also attributes to future problems from the fact that cortisone creams thin out your skin and it makes it more prone to infections.

My hope with this message is that some of you out there find hope in what I am about to tell you. YOU CAN “CURE” your eczema, if you are willing to adjust for this condition. The right combination of the right diet for you, as well as finding a balance in your personal/professional life combined with making the best of where you live, will “CURE” your eczema. As a matter of fact, it will cure a lot of other Health Problems you might experience currently.

The Total Detox Plan offers you support along the way.

Contact me for more information on how YOU CAN FEEL BETTER IN AS LITTLE AS 30 DAYS.

The possible allergenic foods for your body might be gluten, dairy, soy and processed sugars. When I work with clients we analyze these foods and find healthier alternatives.

If you cringe at the thought of removing a certain food, chances are you are allergic to it. Generally speaking, the food you craze is the food that is not good for you.

Contact me for your FREE initial Consultation and 30 days of Support!

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